Custom Maple Tiered Knife Block

full drawer custom maple knife block
tiered knife block ready to be placed in drawer
bamboo drawer organizer
ultra-slim bamboo drawer insert

Product details:

  • Price is determined by width of product
  • Made of solid maple
  • Blocks over 7 inches wide will be built in multiple sections
  • Knife block is 2" tall at the highest point. Some knife shapes will not nest well in this type of block and/or may stick up too high to allow the drawer to close.
  • Finished with butcher block conditioner which contains mineral oil and natural waxes.

How will this be custom-made for my knives?

  • You specify the width of the knife block
  • You specify how much space there is between knives
  • Based on some data about your set of knives, we will determine the length of the knife block and the sizes of the internal storage sections to give you a maximum of storage efficiency
knife block and maple drawer insert
end view of knife block

Also available: single-tier knife blocks

Contact us for how to order a single-tier knife block

single-tier knife block and drawer insert

As of early March 2025, Knife Block orders will ship within 30 business days.

- Price / Case Studies -

  • width: 3.75"
  • # of knife slots: 9
  • knife spacing: tight

Price: $162.14

  • width: 6.75"
  • # of knife slots: 17
  • knife spacing: tight

Price: $162.14

  • width: 7"
  • # of knife slots: 13
  • knife spacing: normal

Price: $162.14

  • width: 15"
  • # of knife slots: 22
  • knife spacing: luxury

Price: $338.57

More Product Details & FAQs

I want to put a knife block inside a Custom Insert. How should I proceed?

We recommend that you design the knife block first, so you can be sure you'll have adequate space for your knives. Then, when you order the custom insert, make one of the sections slightly larger than the size of your knife block. E-mail us after you've placed your orders and we'll see to it that the knife block fits perfectly in the designated section, with an appropriate amount of gap for seasonal expansion of the wood.